Think about how you were raised into CHristianity by the CHristian family/church/school, whatever influenced you towards it as a small child.
If youre story is anything like mine, You accepted Christ at a very young age, not knowing much about CHristianity or what it truely ment, ACCEPT that it was your "get out of hell free" card. Then growing up things change. However as I grew up, I became super close-minded. I began to shut out other people's beliefs, even if they were similar to mine, and became your typical SUPER RADICAL CONSERVATIVE GONNA GO INSANE WHEN SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH ME FAGGOT THAT I HATE NOW. sorry the caps was necessary. Ummm... College hit, and i began to think things through alot more. This hit in a weird way as for a few months, i had walked away from God b/c i had truely seen part of the darker side of "christian" churches. (which, i will blog about this another day) the current churches do not actually represent what the Bible displays as a group of people meeting to worship. As i was removed from a church that i was actively a part of by stating that I had different beliefs than them, and I am in fact supporting socialistic ideals, and am secure in my faith while voting democratic at times. (I am very NOT partisan, i believe an issue should be tackled by the issue itself and what the results will be on which way the vote goes.) With this, I had found that Christians had made me hate 'their' God. The majority of this time, i found that the god i hated was the god of greed and i'm-better-than-you-syndrome. Both of these continue to piss me off.
With this, as i am where i am today, changed, and broken for these people. God has taught me HE is bigger than them, or any amount of hatred that can fester inside of me and cause me to forgive. This song displays this fantastically.
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