Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trends I see, that make me laugh

Why are people who are so 'indie' exactly like everyone else?
Why do indie and folk bands, pretend to be super poor and creative because of that? you are middle class and white. -its not that bad-
I see the 'artsy' girls, they are afraid to admit they are hipsters
Why's everyone afraid to be a hipster?!
Whats so wrong with a title?
And then once a title is placed on someone, why do they quit being themselves, as if they cannot betray the title?

why are the so called, 'tough guys' at shows unable ot take a joke?
Why do they also get super emotional about girls? and then blow up at people and then seclude themselves to just girls to gossip/showtheir soft side.... SCARY!!

Why do people insist that saying the F word is so udderly terrible, and then tell me to calm the F down?
Isnt using a letter to mean the word, the same as saying the word?
This seems illogical to me.

Howcome, when telling people 'were all equal' and then we turn around, see a person who has either had an abortion, or doenst agree w/ us on a minor theological debate (when far bigger things are happening in thsi world), or see someone in jail, or someone who has done drugs, or even OD'd on them, and we immediately say well at least i didnt do that. Or we see how much some people give, and say well, i give more time, i can give less money?  We say all equal, and then in our minds, develop these hurts for others to better ourselves.

Just things i notice.  If only, I can learn to love, I'd love to say i never judge others, or that I dont mess up. However, thats not true, I still fail in these, constantly. I hold grudges, i get salty, i struggle.

God teach me to love, for i am flawed

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This week

Is about to be crazy stressful.
SO if you think of me,
shoot me a prayer
shoot me a text if u dont believe in the same views as me jsut to encourage me,
I hope i get through this w/ good grades.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Christians have killed a God of love.

By how we act, I say WE because i'm no better than anyone else.
And i regret that I cannot be a better person.
As God grows in me, it fixes things, but i will never be the perfection until another time that I seek out.

But I find these issues that bother me.

How can Christians be so homophobic?!
We rage over someone being gay, and so what if its a sin?! why do we keep arguing over it?! why cant we love them anyways? How is someone who is gay any worse than all the pastors who cheat on their wives, and go home and watch porn?  How is a homosexual in the church any worse than the amount of lies, and gossip that spread around churches so quickly?
Does this person make you uncomfortable? I assure you this, Jesus loves them anyways, as he does you in your sins.  And i'll look past it, and love someone anyways.

How can we be so pro life, yet hurt the women who have had an abortion so much? and Support Wars?
I have been yelled at for supporting democrats who dont want war, b/c they supported pro-choice.  how is that any different? pro life means you have to be anti war?! thats the killing of people.
Redemption is larger than we realize. And we refuse to allow that.
I could never kill a man. even in war.

Lastly on my rantage post.
Is how can this white collar rich development Christianity stay so comfortable wasting money on so many things that are solely for fun?  When there are people in the neighborhoods around us, who cant eat, who cant afford to pay the bills.  Yet we choose to ignore them, to stay comfortable?
How can we be so supportive of capitalism?! which is showing us that the rich get richer, and the poor are getting poorer.  We hear the word socialism and associate it w/ sin, and hate it.  Look at acts. the Disciples live it out in small communities.
However I wouldn't want to rely on the government to change these things.
I see people like Shane CLaiborne and the Simple Way, and I wish to do my best to be a part of something liek that someday.  Reachign the poor. Its a beautiful thing.
If we'd share, we could supply to everyone.
But no, we hoard our riches.

I wanna be this change, just right now, i dont know how.
But I do believe in A God who can do this.
Who can sort out the hearts of the lost, and those who do not even think they are lost.
I am no better than anyone.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Just be glad in the Lord and Worship him.
Lord make me do this.
Get rid of my complexities
And allow me to just smile and worship you.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

my first post journaling about a day

This idea is new to me.

But i thought i'd give it a try.
Today was fantastic, it started by staying out too late and climbing a building w/ a friend. who later on in that day, Would take me to a church where dad was the pastor.

This was more than a blessing.  I found this smaller church to be getting by. and Exactly where I felt I should be.
The message hit on the key points of not being a pharisee. making your praise to God personal. and not a public thing to be praised for.  It also hit on the fact of that how you look was not important. Pastor Becker spoke words that hit directly at home for me. All praise to the father for this.

The day went on and I found band practice to be more than a blessing. we got a song done, got a nother one next to finished. And laid out the next songs to come.  This is more than exciting. Song finished: Christian Version of A whore. I cant wait to play and fight along to it!

The day lead to setting up a group project. This went very smoothly. and lead into getting to see a video 'Tony' put on by the invisible children.  This was a documentary put together about how the african children get kidnapped and forced into war.  This hit home, and I wish there was more that I could do other than raise the awareness for this and recommend anyone support invisible children.  When I have no money i find it hard to be able to do so. But word of mouth is always a way to spread this.

Lastly was a celebration of my friend's birthday at taco bell. This was wonderful.  All in all, today was a great day, and the amount of good that was accomplished, and people working together was fantastic. All praises to Abba.

PS i miss my family

Thursday, March 17, 2011

also, i think

I'm gonna start blogging about days, what made me mad, why it did, what made me happy, why that made me happy. Stuff like that. just blog about life and all. not always thoughts about the word. I'm not sure.

been tooo long.

I've been out of my Word way to much lately. and This is hopefully a coming back to it.

But today i noticed, Its hard to be a kid, out to bring love to the punk world. It frustrates me over and over,

And i often find myself seeing exactly why a punktype person would not believe in God. I PRECISELY SEE IT.

It kills. it makes me hate who i am. whether its the fact that I look for respect, or the fact that I have to fight for it. WHen it should be given to everyone.

I find Ecclesiastes to see these problems.  Its comforting

3:16 says, In the place of judgement-- wickedness was there, in the place of justice-- wickedness was there

ANd then it says in 4:2 and 3 says, And i Declared the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive, but better than both is he who has not yet been, who has not sen the evil that is done under the sun.

This reminds me.  THe innocence of a child, is what i long for so much, As i see myself continually sin against God, others and myself.  I find that I hate who i am. And I wish i could be brought back to the innocence I once had, Before i became jaded, before i become the kid, who wants to flip out, and mumbles, when his law teacher tells about the christians who constantly cause her greif, "i hate christians" or has to fight to prove the God of the Bible is REAL because he cant live it out alone, b/c he sees God differently than others.

Lord take me back to that childlike innocence Lord, SO i can do it right, so i can not become this.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Ask God to show up, and he will.

Psalms 2, hit me in a very hard way this morning.

As many people know i hate corruption. even though sadly I am often part of the corruption that I hate.
I also hate watching this capitalist country where the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.  It makes me sick that Christians can continue to make large amounts of money while poor(er) people continue to lose money over and over.

It is disgusting that corporations will go into cities and destroy the town's local businesses and put more people out of jobs so that the higher ups of the company can make all the money that they want.  While heartlessly paying moms and dads minimum wages.

God brought peace to this hatred.
Psalms 2, talks about the rulers in the world gathering in evil, gathering for themselves.  It talks about "people plotting in vain."  It shows leaders. the high ups in the world at this time. being those who conspire.  This moves on to say in verses 4 through 6, "The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.  Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, I have installed my king on Zion, my holy hill."

Its not up to me to fix things. its not up to me to solve a thousand social issues that constantly bug me.  But God will bring glory to him, through the destruction of what causes these evils to happen.