By how we act, I say WE because i'm no better than anyone else.
And i regret that I cannot be a better person.
As God grows in me, it fixes things, but i will never be the perfection until another time that I seek out.
But I find these issues that bother me.
How can Christians be so homophobic?!
We rage over someone being gay, and so what if its a sin?! why do we keep arguing over it?! why cant we love them anyways? How is someone who is gay any worse than all the pastors who cheat on their wives, and go home and watch porn? How is a homosexual in the church any worse than the amount of lies, and gossip that spread around churches so quickly?
Does this person make you uncomfortable? I assure you this, Jesus loves them anyways, as he does you in your sins. And i'll look past it, and love someone anyways.
How can we be so pro life, yet hurt the women who have had an abortion so much? and Support Wars?
I have been yelled at for supporting democrats who dont want war, b/c they supported pro-choice. how is that any different? pro life means you have to be anti war?! thats the killing of people.
Redemption is larger than we realize. And we refuse to allow that.
I could never kill a man. even in war.
Lastly on my rantage post.
Is how can this white collar rich development Christianity stay so comfortable wasting money on so many things that are solely for fun? When there are people in the neighborhoods around us, who cant eat, who cant afford to pay the bills. Yet we choose to ignore them, to stay comfortable?
How can we be so supportive of capitalism?! which is showing us that the rich get richer, and the poor are getting poorer. We hear the word socialism and associate it w/ sin, and hate it. Look at acts. the Disciples live it out in small communities.
However I wouldn't want to rely on the government to change these things.
I see people like Shane CLaiborne and the Simple Way, and I wish to do my best to be a part of something liek that someday. Reachign the poor. Its a beautiful thing.
If we'd share, we could supply to everyone.
But no, we hoard our riches.
I wanna be this change, just right now, i dont know how.
But I do believe in A God who can do this.
Who can sort out the hearts of the lost, and those who do not even think they are lost.
I am no better than anyone.
God is bigger than this. all of this