Saturday, November 27, 2010

Not posting

Its been thanksgiving break, so i havent been posting,
I've sort of fallen out of my habitual devotions, so if u are a regular reader pray for me about that. More posts this week coming hopefully!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Time has taken its tole
And slowly destroyed your role
I hate watching as your grow ole'

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Youre never gonna save me

My thoughts on the closed minds of one culture towards another culture:

This is no particular order and may come off rather ranty, sorry.

I'll try to begin at the start the reason i am posting this.
1. I am a Christian, and i believe in respecting others where they are at, and what culture they come from.  Its called caring about people.
2. I love punk music, and i enjoy hardcore shows, and the type of pit that goes on at them.
3. Often times hardcore is more accepting towards my actions then Christians.

This past Saturday I went to see a band named A Plea for Purging.  One of the few bands who i can say did not use the fact that they are Christians to get signed, but at actually awesome musicians.

I'm going to begin this with the verse,
To the feeble, I was as one who is feeble, so that they might have salvation: I have been all things to all men, so that some at least might have salvation.  I Corinthians 9:22

Now onto what I want to say.  AT this show I did what a kid like me would do at any metal show. Goof off and have fun.  In the previous shows i've been to rarely has someone gotten hurt and people have all just enjoyed themselves.  However as i look around the people who are clearly a part of that church are allowed to swing as hard as they want at me and my friends, however as soon as we have fun there's a huge problem.  As the night goes on i continue to barely even mosh but instead do things like the mocarina, rollover, put my sweater over my head and do a cartwheel, have my friend nate jump on my back and run in a circle.  the point is all things that hurt not a single person.  Yet at each of these things security had a problem with me.  I'm sorry here's what i dont FREAKING UNDERSTAND how can you claim youre accepting hardcore kids, when youre church kids are allowed to swing at us as hard as they want but as soon as i have fun that hurts nobody i get in trouble.  And you claim a Savior that becomes what other people are (without sinning) to show them love? and That there's a better way?

This is where i see the problem.  This church, like many others i've noticed, has found themselves to be fooling themself into thinking they are accepting the hardcore community.  And honestly, they'd never save a kid like me. I can promise you that.  This is an attempt at trying to take hardcore kids and bring them to a church.  The church allowed kids to not even smoke outside the building.  If you have kids who want to smoke, or are addicted to smoking, they will NOT show up to your show because of that.  Oh hey, there's a way of pushing away their culture.  Why cant they smoke outside? its not gonna harm your church? In fact it will show that you love that kid if they do smoke.  Secondly a hardcore show is supposed to be like a party a bunch of people just having fun and enjoying thsmelves.  Thats part of the culture.  Please understand that.  Honestly it was as if that church was trying to save a person who's poor and scraping for food daily, while wearing a Brand new suit.  It just wont happen.  To save hardcore culture you have to respect what it is.  While i would have understood if they were mad at me for moshing on kids as hard as i can, I was not doing that i was simpy goofing around.  There's no reason for a person to get thrown out of a venue for having fun that hurts no one.

I dont want to end this without a solution.  I believe There is a God, and That God loves kids.  I want this God to be at shows, and I want shows to be a part of churches, however when a church expects kids to change their lifestyle just because of the building the show is, I realize how judgemental CHristians are of people on the outside.  The change I see has to happen in people, and through loving them, regardless of how they act.  If someone's at your church, they in fact are a person.  Each person has had their own hard way, if they have bad habbits stop, PLEASE stop viewing them as a 'sinner' and view them as an equal who just hasnt accepted a gift, because honestly how that show went down continued to push me away from the CHristian church yet again..

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Malone Surfer

I decided against the bad sketch for this one.  SO i will just make a few lists about the kids then a paragraph.
First off. Clothing
1. plaid shirt... MUST be from H and M, or PacSun, or American Apparel
2. Jeans $60+
3. Thin Rim glasses, even if they dont need one
4. Stylish Haircut, probably a bad fohawk.
5. Skate shoes. not beat up ones though, unless beat up is currently what every friend is wearing at once
6. Longboard in hand
7. Macbook at hand... WTF?! why do u own a mac? You dont do anything artsy and a PC would have been better for what you are doing with your computer as a business major... o yeah you needed to waste some money.(it saddens me that all the artists who could use a Mac cant afford them, however all the kids who dont need a mac at all waste their money on them.

This kid can often be find with his "BROs" having a mandate.  This would involve a long day of longboarding around campus and talking down on all the other kids.  These kids are a minority, but they are clearly all the campus cares about as the Big shots on campus.  This kid is very much loved at church and comes off as that perfect Christian Child.  I mean after all that christian girl in class, clearly is a virgin, making her all the more worthwhile, and if you play your cards right you can 'fix' that.  To get that perfect christian girl who is crazy sheltered and probably hasn't even done so much as kiss a boy, you have to look so nice and clean cut that she'll let you in.  You break through all the walls by telling her how cute she is, and how much she'll help you grow in God.... Thats not really on your mind stay away from my friends and gain some respect (just saying).  You end up finally getting her, and then these kids do not fully commit, by not making it known, so they can have their back up other innocent girls they fed the same exact lies to on call.  sorry i'm getting on a rant.  They are D bags to girls that try and live a Christian life. End of that point.  The major is probably a music production major, because they dont care because daddy back home is paying for the education, so if i get a degree that doenst get a job it doesnt matter right?  The classes that are taken that do however matter there is no studying done, just complaining about the proffessor because if "i look this nice for class, it shouldnt really matter right?"  Chances are you'll find this kid playing soccer and wishing he was as cool as any of the guys on Jersey shore.  While coming off as totally loving who you are, and being the nicest person to you at the front to gain more friends, as soon as you leave the room your name is shot down the toilet and youre the latest reason for the surfer boy to laugh.  He laughs at how much your life is worse than his, and thus makes Malone feel more and more like a high school... O wait, this person often complains about Malone feeling like high school.  When they realize that they are the ones creating the high school feeling something should happen, but no when that thought comes in their head they shrug it off and make fun of some 'lower person' to feel better again.

I hope this is taken in sarcasm by all readers. I just have fun!

Was gonna post

I was going to post on how i view culture has destroyed the american woman, how everytime i go to a church i hear incorrect theology about money and how christians should handle it... (read the ends of ACTS 2) OR what i was going to read in my devotions today.... or possibly the malone scene kid would pop up on here... or the malone indie kid... or the malone surfer... or the malone daddy's little girl... idk these are all ideas... instead tomorrow i will post pictures from a Plea for Purging concert, and a sumarization of anything sweet there, and possibly a picture of my shoes i've been coloring

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ummm i just realized this

All of my posts that are the different malone cliques or stereotypes, WILL in fact include the i'm better than you part in some way or another, b/c thats how all malone students act... its jsut a thought ahead of time.  (all being generalizing)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

An old song that meant alot.

This is an old Note i had posted on my Facebook way back.  And i was thinking about it so i'm posting it on here to get different feedback.

hey, after deleting all my notes, i have decided to write a new one.

This is inspired by a song on underOATH's new(est, not really new anymore) CD Lost in the Sound of Seperation, the song being Anyone dig a whole but it takes a real man to call it a home.

I'm no leader I'm just a mess
It's not the way it's supposed to be
It's just the way that it is

I'm afraid we are all victims here
And the one whose in charge
I've lead us all astray again

Oh, how the plot thickens!
Are we too far gone?
Are we too far gone?
We always assume the worst
We always assume the worst

I'm afraid no ones listening anymore
I'm freaking out
I'm so sick
I'm making me sick
Don't look down
Don't look down

The only thing in my way is myself
I'm just thinking out loud
I'm just thinking
How can I still be alive
I shoulda been gone so long, so long ago

I can't get away from it all
I messed up like I always do
I gave you nothing
I took you nowhere
You're still listening

I gave you nothing
I took you nowhere
You're still listening

The world around me
Has taken a turn for the worst
I'm left alone
Climbing to the top

Should I jump should I stay
Can I make another day
Should I jump should I stay

I am the one whose wrong x4
God forgive me

The background to this album/song is that Spencer Chainberlain the lead vocals, used to be complete and total druggie. He had told the band that he was having relapses. At this time the person they all looked to, and that was their leader had fallen. Being a band that constantly claims God and stands up for Him trhough much persecution this was a major letdown for all of them. After almost breaking up this CD was formed basically around Spencer's dealing w/ drug addictions from his past.

anyways, the song really hit me one night as i was praying and listening to them as the bands last Cd was a major part in the story of my salvation (Define the Great Line).

As it starts off, he is pointing out that no matter how much like a leader, or w/e he looks like, he's still humans, he still messes things up.
This is a problem i think ALL of us have. We all pretty much do not notice that people are in fact human. I, and im pretty sure many others, often lift people up to levels much higher than can be humanly achieved.

From here he moves on to say that his problems have many effects on those around him. IE "we are all victims here." It really makes me think about how much any sin in our lives really affects those around us. After coming out of a fairly crappy situation i have really seen lately how it affects everyone around you. There are people attempting to fix problems, those on one side hating you, and those on another totally backing you up.
Is this really how our problems should be handled? as i sitback and think, what ever happened to foregiveness? or respecting someone for his or her different views?

well anyways the song goes on, basically to describe everyone backing out on him.
People often feel this way, either where it hasnt happened or it has. But either way one gets that feeling alot. My problem is, i've seen it happen in churches tons of times. Not just specific single churches, i've heard stories from siblings, churches i have visitted, friends i've seen. This really makes me start to ask myself, is this really how CHristians should be acting? In a place where God is to come first, why shoudl someone feal left out? Why does someone have to feel almost, if not entirely, abandoned by those claiming so much of a loving lifestyle? Why is it that when someone has a slightly differeing view, his thoughts are immediately shut out, or he/she is ignored by groups of people b/c they are differnet. Is the message being preached of love. Is ignoring someone really loving?

I'll admit it first, i'm not perfect, I AM NO WHERE NEAR PERFECT. But as soon as you start acting better than me, WE will have a problem.

Lastly the song ends with,
I am the one who was wrong,
God forgive me

Since God is perfect and going ot forgive, why won't we? I mean honestly we cant have hurt each other so much that we cant possibly foregive one another. since everytime we hurt each other it hurts our creator? its impossible to have done that.

I've seen too many people hurt in churches, for simple thigns like a fight, a couple, a different view, or whatever. Where is love in htis?
No one is better than the next.

I am going to be finding a place i belong.

Lets talk, leave a comment, text me, whatever, i prefer talking in person though, tooooooo many mixconeptions on facebook but i will comment back wen idk when we'll see each other.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A drawing and a prayer.

I drew this a few weeks ago, again the artistic value of it i dont care for that much, however i wrote out some of what was bothering me as the background of a kid saying to leave your mark. and this is what the back of it says.
....And do you ever have those days when you wake up asking why am I here? You look around yourself seeing nothing but corruption? You see that everything around you; Is nothing like you. The people around you, the things you constantly with you, continue to bring you down. The people claiming to follow a God of Love, continue to hurt you. Because you in fact are different.  You find a culture based on hate loves you so much more.  A continual disbelief occurs among people who should be set apart by love, the hate is more loving.  Lord I ask what have your people done? But kill you, abuse your grace, and continue to push your children further away from you?  You see i find myself here, lost in love, yet unable to find you.  Sometimes how different I am feels wrong.  Feels as if your people dont want me.  Sometimes Lord, I hate everything and everyone around me.  Yet when all the corrupt, and evil are lying while claiming your name,  I can come to you.  And you, only YOU can teach me to love the people suppressing (for lack of better word coming to my mind as I wrote this) me.  I find myself daily finding my joy in your.  Sovereign Father because you see the world has nothing for me.  The world often drags me away from you, yet you, are love. Sorry for I misrepresent you just as much.

He's posting leave your mark to say be original, do what you do, and leave an impact that mattered.

Friday, November 12, 2010

last post of the night

YO! I'm gonna start doing some photography i think! and i want some tips, anything you got, and any programs i should download for editing features! please and thanks, i'm using a basic digital camera, to many fun nights shooting! again subject photo tips please!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My basic sketch of a malone Theology student

If you dont read the sarcasm in this and CANNOT take a joke dont bother looking at this post.
And yes i know, i lack much artistic skill, but i like having fun, i know much of him is disproportionate, but i enjoyed doodling him in a bout 10 min at 2 am.

Alright, i know what i wrote is not legible so i'm gonna explain each one top to bottom.
1. Short hair, as all pastors should
2. Glasses
3. Huge Grin "life is perfect" (I call it the i'm not a real person anymore smile)
4.  Button down everyday, and a stance of i'm better than you, they call it confidence
5. The Book to condemn your daily life with!!! I mean a Bible on hand
6.Jeans, Probably an expensive pair, and definitely a relaxed fit

You'll probably find these people circulating the girls dorms during the permitted hours, and making sure they are just "good friends" with all of them.  Continually saying they do not date just to date, but to see if that is the single person set aside for them to marry. Yet they seem to have a new girlfriend or boyfriend each semester, even when they are not officially dating, they just spend every waking moment with them, and go on dates... and hold hands... and kiss.... yeah thats not a couple... o wait! yeah it is. Quit dillusioning yourself and thinking youre a better person because you arent 'dating.'  O yeah, and they get around, they like to think that the times they 'slip up' and screw around or go all the way are just mistakes and blame on human nature, however might I add ITS EASIER TO NOT HAVE SEX than to have it.... it involves keeping your clothes on and not doing anything.... just a thought, However the next day they'll show up at church ready to sing louder and of course a more meaningful worship song than everyone else.  Dont forget the prayer they do publically has to be much longer than anyone else's and they will only be happy when they are preaching in front of a flock of people!  O yeah, they know how to sing well, and play acoustic guitar, but only three chords, ya know worship music, its like punk but less talented.  Cant wait to see this person in front of a mega church and then come try to save me for having blue hair sitting in the back of a church, not being white collar, and happy working in a warehouse. One last thought, not all Bible Majors are the Jerk i described here, just most, i find many to actually genuinely love God and people, those ones dont fit this mold usually.

An Act of Worship. Hebrews 12:1

I sit here tonight, after a week or two of feeling stale in my relationship thinking about the day behind me, As i'm sure that as i post more and more i'll eventually share my life story from my own eyes, however this is about today.
I think of Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

This says alot.  It is first a sentence of praise.  Stating look around you! there are tons of people around you that are so in love w/ me(God, not zeke) that you need to respond to it.  I think to myself. Man i am thankful for so many people that show me God on a daily basis.  As i went from being socailly weird growing up to this kid who is super proud that He is WHO he is.  this scenic kid who wishes he was a punk who jsut loves God.  I see that There are many sins in my life that totally tangle my walk with God. God wants me to throw these off. the anger that i build up. The lust my eyes create.  The times i just wanna cuss out every kid i see as i walk past them.  The times when insecurity creeps up, and you realize you have no control.  These are the sins that so easily entangle us. that bring us to our knees.  However, when were there. that puts us in a position that can be so useful.  That reminds us, that this life isnt for ourselves, but for God, and God alone.  That me, I AM NOTHING without God.  

and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us.  Man. I often dislike most churches. and this verse reminds me why.  The Bible does NOT say that christianity is easy.  It does not say that GOd makes everything perfect.  In fact i guarantee that life is gonna be hard, and at times it is going to suck.  I know this to be true.  But God has marked out a path for us.  SO when we see hard times.  WHen your family's unemployement has run out, and everyday you apply for jobs to hear nothing back, and the only way to get rid of this fear is to swing and pray, God ahs a plan in this. No it WILL not be easy, but God will protect you through it.  THere is this relationship with God that many people miss out on, and tonight, i totally felt it on a new level as i prayed with him, it felt almost like a conversation, we made deals, and asked how we were. It is so much different than raddling off a list that we soooo often do. Run with perserverance. run with perserverance.

What i really want to say, is that I'm thankful for all my friends, CHristian or not.  I love you all.
Today i caught up with a friend who i havent really talked to this school year and it made me extremely happy to see them.  With this i end this post with if you have prayers, E mail me  or if u know me, come find me, I WANT to pray with you, and i want to sit there and listen to you.

With this i say Goodnight, i know its basic, but its what i felt as i wrote, there might be another post tonight thats more goofy and fun, maybe a doodle or a sexist joke that i dont actually mean that i heard from a friend tonight. who knows?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I will post at least once a week.  And the posts will be anythign form what God has been doing in my life, to my frustrations with people. to me making fun of malone, or certain whatevers. so basically i will blog something that i want to blog at least once a week keep checking back!


I dont know what i'm going to do totally here, except start to express some stuff..... TBA