Saturday, November 13, 2010

A drawing and a prayer.

I drew this a few weeks ago, again the artistic value of it i dont care for that much, however i wrote out some of what was bothering me as the background of a kid saying to leave your mark. and this is what the back of it says.
....And do you ever have those days when you wake up asking why am I here? You look around yourself seeing nothing but corruption? You see that everything around you; Is nothing like you. The people around you, the things you constantly with you, continue to bring you down. The people claiming to follow a God of Love, continue to hurt you. Because you in fact are different.  You find a culture based on hate loves you so much more.  A continual disbelief occurs among people who should be set apart by love, the hate is more loving.  Lord I ask what have your people done? But kill you, abuse your grace, and continue to push your children further away from you?  You see i find myself here, lost in love, yet unable to find you.  Sometimes how different I am feels wrong.  Feels as if your people dont want me.  Sometimes Lord, I hate everything and everyone around me.  Yet when all the corrupt, and evil are lying while claiming your name,  I can come to you.  And you, only YOU can teach me to love the people suppressing (for lack of better word coming to my mind as I wrote this) me.  I find myself daily finding my joy in your.  Sovereign Father because you see the world has nothing for me.  The world often drags me away from you, yet you, are love. Sorry for I misrepresent you just as much.

He's posting leave your mark to say be original, do what you do, and leave an impact that mattered.


  1. charlietown, sometimes i worry you might be starting a cult. im okay with it if you do, just sayin. ill probably follow you if you did. oh and remember when u came home that time and we played basketball and I WHOOPED YO @$$ so bad!? I took my talents to elyria south.

  2. hahahah! CULT IT UP! but no i'm not. but i can see why you think that. but that is super funny! and thats it! WERE PLAYING eACH DAY OF THANKSGIVING! and guess what bro? i'm getting 40 hours a week all of CHristmas break at work! STOKED!
